Eneco purchases energy from Wind Farm Westermeerwind

Wind Farm Westermeerwind
Emmeloord / Rotterdam – 25 July 2014 – Yesterday, Wind Farm Westermeerwind and utility company Eneco signed a long-term purchase agreement for wind energy. For a period of 15 years, Eneco will purchase all electricity generated by what is the largest near-shore wind farm of the Netherlands. Westermeerwind has thus ensured itself of a long-term client and Eneco will be able to provide more customers with turbine-generated electricity.
Wind Farm Westermeerwind will be constructed in the IJsselmeer waters along the Noordoostpolder dikes will comprise of 48 wind turbines of 3 Megawatts each. After its completion by mid-2016, the wind farm will generate wind energy for approximately 160,000 households. Residents of Noordoostpolder, Urk and Lemsterland will be given an opportunity to participate in the wind farm through purchase of shares or bonds.
Westermeerwind forms part of Wind Farm Noordoostpolder, which will be the largest wind farm on land in the Netherlands. Eneco already reached a similar agreement with NOP Agrowind, another part of Wind Farm Noordoostpolder, and today’s agreement with Westermeerwind B.V. means that Eneco will be purchasing wind-generated electricity from 74 of the 86 wind turbines of Wind Farm Noordoostpolder. The 74 turbines have a joined capacity of 339 Megawatts and can supply green energy for some 340,000* households. RWE/Essent owns the other 12 wind turbines of Wind Farm Noordoostpolder.
The agreement with Westermeerwind is among the largest Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) Eneco has ever reached with a wind farm. The agreement increases Eneco’s contracted wind power capacity by 144 Megawatts. Ventolines, an all-round service provider in the wind energy market, has negotiated the contract on behalf of Westermeerwind.
Eneco not only enters into long-term Power Purchase Agreements with windfarms, but also invests in them. Well over 500 Megawatts of Eneco’s contracted capacity consists of wind power capacity owned by Eneco, the remaining are Power Purchase Contracts.
*estimated return: 567 Gigawatt hours for Westermeerwind and 600 Gigawatt hours for NOP Agrowind.